The Internet: Are we being foolish with our lives?

Are we being foolish with our lives?

Ah, the simple life. A happier time. A lessย  stressful time. Yet it is an almost mythical time to the youth of today, thanks in large part to the birth of the Digital Age.

The Internet is undoubtedly the backbone of modern society. It provides an outlet for modern society to feed on mammoth amounts of information. It provides a platform for society to communicate with each other on a global scale, through the wonders of the Internet and video conferencing. It takes the hassle out of everyday chores, such as grocery shopping by allowing the consumer to shop from the comfort of their own home.

However, in a recent Times article published in July 2008, journalist Bryan Appleyard grapples with the idea that these oceans of information we are currently navigating is slowly killing our concentration.

Entitled “Stoooopid… why the Google generation isn’t as smart as it thinks”, this article examines the ‘harassment of man by self-inflicted technology.’ Appleyard explains that although it seems that marvels such as the Internet has benefited society in unfathomable ways, society is in fact forfeiting their ability to concentrate in the process. Read the rest of this entry »

Week 2 Exercise: Uploading a video to my Blog.

The example of video that I have chosen to post to my blog is the latest ‘Marmite-esque‘ installment from Glass and a Half Productions, aptly entitled “Freaky Eyebrows.” Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Week 2 Exercise: Posting Audio to my Blog.

As part of last week’s lecture on the basic features that extends to its users, I have chosen to upload ‘Little Bird’ by Annie Lennox to illustrate these features. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Practise on uploading pictures and hyperlinking.

Here is a picture….

This screen grab is courtesy of The BBC UK News Page.

From the top…

Why Hello There!


Firstly, let me extend a big hello to all in ‘blogland‘. My name is Samantha and I’m a final year Journalism student in Dublin City University.

As part of my course, I am required to create a blog which examines the recent phenomena of online journalism.

For the next twelve weeks it is my task to examine this rather controversial area of journalism. This will cover such areas as the relentless battle between bloggers and traditional journalists, the issue of hyperlinking and its place in modern journalism, and many more.

As an amateur blogger myself, my overall wish is to create an equally informative and intersting body of work. Here’s hoping!